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The Gibbons House

4 days ago10 min read
Should I insure my pet? The pros, cons and other stuff you need to know.
Let's explore the pros and cons of insuring your pet, some of the best policy providers and the different types of cover available.

Jan 3110 min read
Monthly Gardening Guide - February Jobs
Each month, I’ll be sharing some specific gardening tasks you can tackle to keep your garden on track.

Jan 248 min read
Understanding Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, and Dysgraphia
Navigating life can be a challenge for everyone, but even more so for those with brains that are wired differently.

Jan 1718 min read
10 Tips to Encourage Better Dog Behaviour and Build Trust
Hey there, TJ here! It's so great to have you visiting the blog. Does your dog only listen to you when they feel like it? Do you feel...

Jan 109 min read
Straddling the Line: The Pressure for Conformity
We are often too "different" to be considered part of the typical population, yet many of us are not "different" enough

Dec 27, 20246 min read
Kickstart 2025: How to Set and Stick to Your New Year’s Goals - The Gibbons House
Bye bye, 2024, and hello 2025! As we bid farewell to the past year, I can’t help but reflect on the challenges it brought. However, I’m...

Dec 21, 20249 min read
Weird and wonderful Christmas traditions from around the world - The Gibbons House
It's Christmas! Well, almost! I was wracking my brain for a Christmas-themed blog post I could write when the other day at work, I struck...

Dec 16, 20248 min read
Living Well with Chronic Illness: Easy Nutrition Tips for Everyday Life
Hey there! Welcome back to The Gibbons House blog! If you're new here, then hey and welcome! Last week, we dove into the Spoon Theory,...

Dec 7, 20246 min read
Spoon Theory explored - The Gibbons House
In this post, we’re going to explore what the Spoon Theory is, how it works, and what it means for those of us with chronic illnesses

Nov 30, 20249 min read
Mother and daughter: Our Story
The Thursday just gone was my mother’s birthday, and to celebrate her, I thought I would dedicate this week’s blog post to her

Nov 23, 20247 min read
Get Outside: The Benefits of Nature for Mind and Body - The Gibbons House
Let’s explore the benefits of nature and discover various ways you can engage with it to reap those rewards.

Nov 18, 202410 min read
Merry & Mindful: A Neurodivergent’s Christmas Survival Guide
Christmas is joyful, but it can be stressful or lonely. Here are 10 tips to making it through Christmas with a neurodivergent brain!

Nov 9, 202411 min read
Wipe away the blues: 10 ways you can improve your mood
It's damp, grey and gloomy. And quite frankly, so is my mood! Here are 10 ways we can make ourselves feel better when feeling gloomy.

Nov 2, 20248 min read
The Viking Within: Crafting My Persona in Reenactment
I’m excited to share my journey with you through the eyes of Heathkona Balari, my Viking persona.

Oct 27, 202410 min read
Bunny enrichment: 8 boredom busting ideas for pet rabbits
whether you are a seasoned bunny parent or you are thinking about adding one to your family, here are 8 ways to add enrichment for your bun

Oct 23, 20246 min read
Neurodivergence and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders: the connection - The Gibbons House
Emerging studies suggest there might be connections between neurodivergent conditions and hypermobility.

Oct 20, 202410 min read
8 ADHD friendly additions to my home that just make sense - The Gibbons House
I’ve acquired a few ‘tools’ that make my life so much easier. Im going to share them with you!

Oct 16, 202414 min read
Torn ACL in dogs: From injury to recovery, what to expect.
Within the space of a year, Anayah tore both ACLs. Its been stressful and scary but in sharing our journey, maybe yours will be less so.

Oct 13, 202413 min read
Planning and growing your kitchen garden: tips and tricks - The Gibbons House
No matter what space you have, even if it's just a windowsill in a flat, you still have the chance to grow something.
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